Sunday, January 27, 2008

Moving to Washington, DC

In about two weeks, I'll be moving to Washington DC for work. While I'm really happy to be moving to a fun city, the move is sad for two reasons. First, I currently live in a huge apartment and can spread my scrapbooking supplies all over my dining room table, which seats 10. My new apartment will be about 1/3 of the size of my current place which means I will either have to become even more organized about my supplies, or I will have to sacrifice living space for scrapping space. The second reason that the move is sad is that I just found a few people in Tijuana who like scrapbooking and now I have to leave them. Scrapbooking with friends is the best part about my hobby, so leaving my new scrap friends is really disappointing. I just hope that I find some new ones in DC.

Even though I'm moving I still plan to keep my Scrapbook Fairy business going. It will take a couple of weeks to get settled and find a place for everything in my new house. But as soon as I'm set up I will be ready to get going again on projects and orders. So never fear, no matter how far I move I will keep on scrapping!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Tawnie single-handedly brings scrapbooking to Mexico

Since I last updated my faithful readers on the goings on of Scrapbook Fairy, I have successfully led my first scrapbooking class. And in Spanish, no less! One of my friends invited me to give a class at her church's women's group in Tijuana. The class went very well; everyone was super enthusiastic and loved the supplies I brought. The class expanded beyond the normal womens' group and we even got a few men to participate. I was so thrilled that everyone had a good time. Below are some pics from the class.

Paper frenzy!

Providing consultations on color combinations.

Teaching people how to use a paper guillotine without cutting off my own fingers.

My favorite - a student puts her husband to work!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Professional photography is amazing!

In my last post I mentioned that one of my friends' husband, Danny La, is a professional photographer. He took some pictures of my scrapbook pages for me to use on my website. I've seen some of Danny's work in my friend's house, and its absolutely amazing. His fine art photography is stunning. I took a look at his website,, and I was totally impressed not only with his fine art, but also with his photo journalism and professional credentials. Danny has won many awards and accolades for his work. He has also been featured in various local and national publications.

If you ever have the need for a professional photographer, I highly recommend Danny La. He can be reached at

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New galleries on my website

I'm really excited about some new photos that I posted on my website. A friend's husband is a professional photographer and he was kind enough to take some wonderful pictures of my scrapbook pages. I was amazed at the high quality of the photos and the detail that they allowed me to show on the website. Take a look at the galleries for new images!