Thursday, August 28, 2008

Collaborating with other women business owners

Yesterday I had a great meeting with a friend of mine who also owns her own business. She gave me some great insight into marketing Scrapbook Fairy and also suggested some really good resources like Ladies Who Launch. Talking with her inspired me to work even harder in my business and also to find new ways to network with other women who are running their own businesses.

I encourage you to take a look at my friend's company, After The Wedding Day. She offers a totally new take on the wedding registry that is much more in tune with the diversity of contemporary couples. I really enjoy the concept behind her company and I'm excited to work with her in the future.

Also, if you're interested in networking with Scrapbook Fairy, send me an email any time to!

Happy scrapping!

Friday, August 22, 2008


I've rededicated myself to my business but now I realize that I really don't know how to market myself. I did a couple of newsletter email campaigns to my family and friends, but although I got a little more traffic to my website, it didn't result in any new business. So now I'm searching for ways to make Scrapbook Fairy known. Ideas anyone? I'm not a super HTML genius, so anything I do will have to be pretty simple. If you have any great ideas, send me an email! Please!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My New Newsletter

I recently discovered an online service called Mail Chimp that lets you create newsletters from a template and also manages your mailing list. Mail Chimp was obviously created for people like me, that is people who have absolutely no idea how to write HTML code and are not interested in learning. I created and sent my first newsletter yesterday and I hope to do one monthly.

So now that I'm back in the swing of things I'm just making updates to my website and hoping that people visit it. If you're reading my blog, you probably got here via my website, If you know anyone who is interested in scrapbooking, send them my way!